Lifting in the AM

I started this morning off with some deadlifts. For the past 3 weeks i’ve been doing fasted lifts since I have absolutely NO time when I get back home from school. I was a bit reluctant to try it, since I was positive that i’d hit no PR’s on an empty stomach, but I was wrong. My deadlift has gone up to 4 sets of 5-6 with 55kg (getting comfortable with pulling 55 before I attempt 60 again), my overhead press and upright row has gone up to 20kg for 3 sets of 6-8 (used to be 18kg).

If you’re lifting in the AM as well, make sure you fuel yourself with at least 15g of carbs and 20g of protein after for optimum protein synthesis (Just a fancier way of saying you’ll make some gains)

If I can be completely honest, lately I haven’t felt like lifting or tracking. Losing motivation is so common for anyone who’s into fitness. We’re not inspired 24/7, we’re human. But I’ve still been dragging myself away from my bed and over to the weights as much as I can. I just need to refocus myself. Eyes on the prize.


Very sleepy eyes on the prize.


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