The Sexualisation of Women in the Fitness Industry

The Fitness Industry. An Industry with holistic and passionate workers. People who stand on the foundation of health and wellness. This is an industry that looks out for the common population. “What are you eating?”, “When’s the last time you went to the gym?”, “Does your family have a history of heart-disease?”. These are the kinds of questions that pour out of the mouths of the industries ‘workers’. I grew up learning from anything and everything that the industry produced. Highly acclaimed magazines, websites with beautiful models advertising a weight-loss pill and even television shows that ‘want to help me lose those last pesky pounds’ was what I was exposed to. I was twelve. And I already knew what calories and crash-diets meant. As a fat child, I was constantly learning more and more of what the industry wanted me to learn and know. My idols were female fitness models, who told readers to stay away from bread and chocolate, and to do fifty sit-ups every day for ‘envious flat abs’.

   Women who both work for and receive products of the fitness industry are expected different things than what is expected of a man. Ladies working in the industry depict everything that society wants out of a woman’s appearance, in order to condition those who’re not apart of the industry to eventually want the same. Long, slim legs that forms a perfect gap when put together, a flat stomach, a tiny barbie-doll waist and prominent collar bones that have survived rounds of low-carb diets just to make an appearance. The industry raises women that do not strive for strength and athleticism, but those who want to fit society’s standard of what bodies look good in a swimsuit. What baffles me is the fact that women in the industry have been conditioned to train purely for aesthetic purposes. Nowhere in magazine covers or websites that specialise in women’s health and fitness (as if it is any different from Men’s health and fitness) do I read the lines ‘get strong’ or ‘improve your fitness and stamina!’. Instead I read the lines ‘Get slim’, ‘Get toned’ and ‘Get sexy this Summer!’ in bold red, in attempts to catch the attention of women who are new to the gymming atmosphere and buying salads instead of a hamburger.

I often make a mental comparison of a Men’s Health magazine cover to one produced by Women’s Health (these are two well-known fitness and health magazine companies). I flip through the glossy pages of Men’s Health, and appreciate everything i’m reading. Finally! A magazine that informs me about how to make my workouts more intense and efficient. One that will guide my in my conquest to get stronger and fitter. While flipping through the pages of Women’s Health I learn how to lose 20 pounds in 10 days. I learn how to make my body more appealing to the masculine eye. I learn how to completely avoid pasta and bread, till I can look at any food that fits into the bottom of a food pyramid and avoid it like the plague.  Nowhere do I see words in relevance to heavy weight-lifting. Female bodybuilding and weightlifting has been stigmatised to seem ‘de-feminising’, rather than empowering and a great way to get healthy. In fact, weightlifting has been male-specified, so it’s no wonder that the weight-room of a gym rarely has females in it.

  The words used on the covers of Women’s Health seemed so different to what was written on Men’s Health. This is when I realised; the goal of The Industry is to control how women view and care for themselves. By controlling these factors, they can lead women into believing over-exercising and starvation (disguised as ‘healthy diets’) are the ways to go about weight-loss and actually developing an athletic body that is healthy and able. Don’t worry though, at least men are better taken care of and equipped with information that will actually help them build a healthy body that could one day replace a machine.

   Let’s not forget to mention how women in the industry are masqueraded as symbols of sex. Thought-provoking poses and racy swimsuits are apparently a favourite in magazine covers. You rarely see a fitness expert flex her muscles when she’s displayed on social media. Instead you see her skin thick with oil, her hair let loose and her body bent into poses that reveal everything but her physical achievements! The industry sexualises women and disrespects them in regards to their health, but cleverly disguises this as something healthy, that will motivate you. Through the constant displays of sexualised ‘fitness experts’, women who are on the other side of the industry are automatically conditioned into thinking that fitness (for women) is only about looking beautiful and having men swoon over you. It isn’t about the actual blood, sweat and even more sweat that goes into the process of building a capable body. It’s about aiming to look exactly like the fitness model you saw on TV. Constantly sexualising fitness experts, strips them of the respect they worked hard to earn, and makes them seem like they shouldn’t be taken seriously. It strips them of everything they’re trying to represent, like being determined to get healthy and strong.

   The industry, like any other, has a lot to work on. The way it represents females needs to be completely changed, so that the female audience can get access to useful information that diverts from conditioning them into being insecure and overall poor in health. The sexualisation of women in the fitness industry, and the difference in what is expected and taught to a man and a woman in the industry is one of the main reasons why I am determined to change the foundation that the industry stands on.

Till next time.

We have the habit of starting a new year in the hopes that this time, it’ll be perfect. Absolutely flawless. Conquering your resolutions has never been so easy. You’re not going to shed a single tear this year.

But then reality cuts through the thick air of optimism you build around you. You go through really tough days. Things hurt. You cry. You feel defeated.

Maybe you should regroup your army. Prepare yourself for battles, know what you’re equipped with. Aim your sniper and don’t let reality defeat you this time. 

I’ve spent so many years hoping for a fresh start. But the only thing fresh about the next year is the Calendar you buy. Yes, there’s no denying it’s a new year. There are new opportunities  set out for those who are ready to work for them. Make sacrifices for them. But the happiness is never going to be handed to you. Fight, conquer, thrive.

We’re beasts. We’re not going to let reality get the better of us.

2016. It’s going to be a fresh page of the same story. And we’re writing our own happy ending.

A History of Resolutions

Merry Christmas Eve, beasts. I did something cool today. I went over my past resolutions (starting from 2012) just to see where I was and where I am now.

In 2012 I had the simple goal of losing weight. I was doing bodyweight workouts (remember doing air squats, lifters?) and I lived off of cardio DvD’s. I was also practicing clean eating but never acknowledged how unstable it made me feel.

By 2013, I developed so much discipline. My resolutions were again simple, except a bit more extreme. I was only allowed to have 2 cheat meals per month. I quote myself: “You can eat one cookie in a month so you don’t feel like you’re depriving yourself.”

Give me a moment, I can’t seem to stop laughing at how ridiculous I was. It also scares me since 14-year-old Priyasha was restricting herself so much while creating an illusion that her diet offered some flexibility.

My resolution for 2014 was to get arms like Michelle Obama’s, get ‘ripped’, adopt the 80/20 diet (80% of your diet is clean, unprocessed food and 20% of your diet can be ‘treat foods’) and to start studying. I was also just lifting thrice a week and barely eating. By the end of 2014 I was tracking without a food scale (my bad) and doing carb cycling. Some days i’d only eat 60g of carbs, which obviously forced my lifting numbers to stay low.

This year. My resolutions were to study and hit PR’s. Pretty simple, right?

I have failed some of my resolutions. I can’t squat 30kg (but I can clean 29kg, at least). I can’t do bent over rows, the overhead press and upright row with 30kg either. I still can’t do push ups.  The only goal I successfully accomplished was the 60kg deadlift, and even then I have lost that PR at least thrice this year. During this year, life got in the way of lifting. My focus shifted to getting good grades and keeping my mind happy. This year was a war, a bloody struggle. So yes, some of my resolutions have fallen short. But by looking at my past resolutions and by looking at where I was then and where I am now, I am nothing less than PROUD.

Proud of myself for the PR’s, the immense physique transformation, the decent grades, the things i’ve learnt about lifting and my body. I know where I failed this year and i’m so determined to smash the goals that I haven’t already. I’m not revealing my resolutions for 2016 just yet, but I know what they are and I know exactly how i’m going to get it.

Embrace your human side, beasts. We all have failures. Failures are what fuel as to smash even bigger successes. Failing is quite honestly the best tool a person has in order to win in the future.

On Mondays, we squat.

Today, I got back into the groove. Had my first lifting session in 2 weeks (I think) and it was…brutal. But felt incredibly good. My squat form was honestly terrible, I could feel my quads and hamstrings tighten up even after a warm-up, but I pushed through 3 sets of 27kg squats (my new program calls for 5 sets of rear-loaded squats and 2 sets of box squats after.)

Even though I don’t feel my strongest and fittest right now, you can bet that I’ll be back in a week or two. Once my muscles get warmed up by consistency I’ll go back to squatting 7 sets.

Speaking of the new program (homemade), here’s my Quad and Glute Workout from it:

Monday: Glutes and Quads

Squat Warm Up:

Kettle-bell squats                     10 x 3 

Squat halos                                 10 x 2

Walking lunges                          20

Working Set:

Rear loaded squats
(2 sets deep squats,                    8 x 5 (27kg)
3 sets pause squats)

Box squats                                    8 x 2 (7kg) 

Dumbbell step ups                      3 x 10 (10kg)

Here’s to hoping my workouts stay brutal, cause I always love a challenge.

Being Away.

I was away. I was gone, even though I’ve been here all this while.

My mind was in a dark place. This is something that’s hard to admit on such a public place, but I need to explain myself. I was a victim to anxiety attacks and almost constant phases of unexplainable sadness which left me feeling like I didn’t care about macros. Didn’t care about lifting.

I would open my blog every week, feeling guilty for not intensely typing about fitness.

I would question myself.

Doubt my strength, my capabilities in almost all fields. I would stare at the ceiling feeling absolutely paralysed. I wouldn’t even eat or drink water. But i’m better now. One thing about me is, nothing can hold me down. No matter what, I never give up on myself. So after months and months of mental wars, I can feel myself coming back.

Not the old Priyasha, but a new one. One who is better equipped to take on life. I know I can’t help but feel sad now and then, to feel anxious about things, but I am absolutely certain that i’m coming out of the dark place as a stronger person.

I lifted today. I felt genuinely happy. I studied without getting anxious about IB. Small steps.

And now, as I type, I envision all the goals I have to conquer. The PR’s that are waiting for me, the grades i’m going to get, the lives i’m going to change. Cause i’m not afraid to work for it.

I might’ve been away, but i’m sure as hell coming back.



Things are going well so far! I’m happy that I’m back in my kitchen 🙂 Eating very clean and I will be back in my gym tomorrow. Can’t wait to wear my new workout clothes and start doing HIIT workouts! Ready to shred!! I’m doing abs today followed by dancing to the new 1D song ❤ I hope you guys are going well with the challenge too! I will be posting some intense lifting routines and awesome recipes tomorrow that will boost your meta rate and send it through the roof! 

Stay tuned,


My ‘After’

So before the challenge I posted that I was 110 pounds (50 kgs) with 19.5% body fat. I am currently 103 pounds with 18.2% body fat. I expect my percentage to go even lower after the August Abs challenge 🙂 But the point is I reached my first goal weight! I know I will gain some muscle after the upcoming challenge but I’m okay with that! Today I ate clean and did a circuit workout with my brother. It wasn’t as intense as I had hoped but at least it was something! I Hope by now you guys are used to staying away from junk food and eating as clean as possible. If not, you could pair the 30 day junk-free challenge with the August Abs! Can’t wait for the new challenge to kick start!
Stay healthy,


Amazing Abs August



This August it’s all about abs! Follow my weekly challenge updates for what to do at the gym, and eat the foods listed on the ‘fat burning foods list’ that will be posted shortly.

The challenge starts on the 1st of August and is filled with sweat and hard work that WILL pay off!  Who’s with me?

Week 1- Workouts

–         Do HIIT for 30 minutes 3 times a week. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. So basically it means for a minute you will run you’re hardest ad for the next minute you jog at a slow pace and you repeat till you finish 30 minutes. HIIT is mainly used for burning belly fat and sending your metabolic rate soaring!

–         At the end of your workout add 15 minutes of intense abdominal training, 4 times a week. The workout will be posted shortly.

–         Workout for an hour at least 6 times a week.


So you would basically take your typical workout routine and add the extra abdominal training HIIT to it to make it more effective.


Train hard,


Day 30!

Hi guys! Today is the last day of the 30 day challenge! I ate extra clean today 🙂 after this I’m concentrating on making my workouts harder at the gym and making sure I eat more protein and drink more water! What do you guys want me to post? I will def. be doing more workouts and recipes but anything else?? 
Watch out for a new fitness challenge focused on toning up! 

day 28

Hi guys! 

I’m pretty sure by tomorrow I’ll be back in the workout grind! But only home workouts which I will be posting. I ate so much of food to recover and it worked,I feel so much better! 

Today’s diet-

breakfast- porridge 

snack- 3 cubes chocolate with nuts

lunch- 1/2 serving lemon rice with 1 boiled egg

snack- 1 banana with lemon water

dinner- 1 slice french toast with 1/4 serving noodles 

Back to normal tomorrow! 

